s1 Elite s2 A s1 B s1 C
Sound, intergrown and
partially intergrown knots
allowed with the size up to 10 mm.
no more than 2 pc. per r.m.
allowed with no limitations allowed with no limitations allowed with no limitations
Sound black knots allowed with the size up to 10 mm.
no more than 2 pc. per r.m.
allowed with the size up to 20 mm.
no more than 2 pc. per r.m.
allowed with no limitations allowed with no limitations
Sound knots with shakes allowed with the size up to 10 mm.
no more than 2 pc. per r.m.
allowed with the size up to 20 mm.
no more than 2 pc. per r.m.
allowed with the size up to 40 mm.
with no limits
allowed with no limitations
Loose knots allowed with the size up to 10 mm.
no more than 1 pc. per article length
allowed with the size up to 10 mm.
no more than 1 pc. per article length
allowed up to 10 mm allowed up to 40 mm
Unsound, tobacco knots not allowed not allowed нnot allowed allowed up to 40 mm
Shakes non-through close shakes
are allowed up to 25 %
of the article length
non-through close shakes
are allowed up to 25 %
of the article length
non-through close shakes
are allowed up to 50 %
of the article length
through shakes are allowed
that do not impair the article
Gum pockets allowed if the area is up to
2,5 cm2 – 2pc. per r.m.
allowed if the area is up to
2,5 cm2 – 2pc. per r.m.
allowed with no limitations allowed with no limitations
Core allowed up to 1/3 of the article length
if not on the face surface
allowed up to 1/3 of the article length
if not on the face surface
allowed with no limitations allowed with no limitations
Resin streaks resin-soaked spots are allowed
up to 10 % of the article area
resin-soaked spots are allowed
up to 10 % of the article area
allowed with no limitations allowed with no limitations
Sapwood allowed up to 20 %
with no contrast
allowed up to 20 %
with no contrast
allowed up to 30 %
with no contrast
allowed with no limitations
Half-width wane allowed on the article’s
invisible side up to 20%
of the article length if a support
surface is available
allowed on the article’s
invisible side up to 30%
of the article length if a support
surface is available
allowed on the article’s
invisible side up to 30%
of the article length if a support
surface is available
allowed on the article’s
invisible side if a
support surface is available
Full-width wane not allowed not allowed not allowed not allowed
Doze not allowed not allowed not allowed not allowed
Blueness, green and yellow stains not allowed not allowed not allowed allowed up to 35 %
of the article length
Worm-hole not allowed not allowed not allowed allowed
Scores not allowed not allowed not allowed not allowed
Torn grain, hollows, raised grain allowed up to 0,5 mm deep allowed up to 0,5 mm deep allowed up to 1 mm deep allowed
Under-milling allowed on the invisible side of the
article if a support surface is available
allowed on the invisible side of the
article if a support surface is available
allowed on the invisible side of the
article if a support surface is available
allowed on the invisible side of the
article if a support surface is available.
Under-milling of the article’s side
planes is allowed max.
up to 2 mm deep
Ridge not allowed not allowed not allowed not allowed
Scorching of wood not allowed not allowed allowed allowed


  1. Limit dimension deviations:
  2. width: +1mm/-1mm;
    thickness: +0.5 mm /- 0.3 mm.
  3. The face surface is the one visible during operation.
  4. The grading requirements apply to all kinds of shaped articles produced. These requirements are valid for 95% products in the batch supplied for a specific grade (the presence of 5% other grade is allowable). Grade AB is obtained by a natural mixing during the manufacturing process.
  5. Flaws in the wood and processing defects are according to GOST2140.
  6. Wood moisture content 16±3%.
  7. Articles shall be protected against atmospheric precipitation during handling and transportation.
  8. Articles shall be stored in dry ventilated warehouses (facilities), stacked in packages or staples. It is allowed to store in open warehouses if packages (staples) are protected with water-tight paper or film. Storage conditions shall be identical along the entire article length. It is not allowed to store articles in residential heated premises.